· 22.02.2022
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#bFlash Update V2202B: Updated Log Review Module


Updated Log Review Module

New Datalogging Solutions added.

Hi everyone!

Today's release is all about Datalogging and bringing new features that will make your life easier.

We updated the log review module (viewer) with the ability to analyze faster & more efficiently. Now you can compare each log directly, i.e. Original vs. Tune, Tune 1 vs. Tune 2, etc.

Additionally, we added a number of new datalogging solutions. Check the full list of supported control units below. Don't forget that bFlash has a pre-selected set of relevant parameters for classic chiptuning calibration for each supported control unit, making this process easy for all users.

And with this release, we are offering you the possibility to properly test high-end vehicles with the integration of dyno mode for the Ferrari 488 platform. 

Lastly, we added some bench protocols for Mitsubishi EDC7C4 and 2021+ Isuzu MD1CS018.

We hope you enjoy this update and keep an eye on the new exclusive updates to be released in March!

Aurélien and the team at bFlash.

Supported Control Units


Alfa Romeo/Fiat/Lancia Marelli 8GMF

Alfa Romeo/Fiat/Lancia Marelli 8GSF

Alfa Romeo MED17.3.5

Porsche SDI10

Renault 6DCT250

Renault 6DCT451

Alpine/Renault 7DCT300

Audi/Porsche/Volkswagen AL552


Mitsubishi EDC7C4 MPC556

Isuzu MD1CS018 MPC5898


Ferrari MED17.3.5 TC1793

#bFlash Team member of the week


Raphaël, Support engineer

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